Let Me Help You Overshoot Your Goals in the Right Ways.

One of my mentors, the late Brian Klemmer, would say here is how you can tell what you are committed to.  What is around you, your results.  Your results tell the truth, they are often harsh, but always fair.

What are you committed to?  Would you like to overshoot your goals?

Find out more by clicking Start Now

What I Do

I have been coaching people since 2004
and mentoring people since long before that

I Coach.

What do you hear when someone says they are a coach? You need to set that aside.  When I coach your are embraced as you are and inspired to grow more than you thought possible.

I Speak.

My favorite place in the room is at the front of the room.  Educating, sharing my skills and leaving everyone in the room empowered.

I Write.

There are a few books I’m outlining.  I have been published in Ed Slott’s monthly newsletter as well as in a technical journal on programming.

Need Advice?

Who doesn’t?  The issue is are you ready to ask for advice?  Will you let someone else contribute to your greatness?

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My e-Books & Courses

I have created a few online courses.  The first course is about Homeowner Associations or HOAs for short. My other courses are about communication and spirituality.

Latest Course:

Basic Instructions: MasterClass of NLP
Taught by: Chukky Okobi

Helping NLP Master practitioners gain a deeper sense of understanding of NLP, Huna, and Hypnosis, to increase their effectiveness in applying NLP when working with self and others, and integrating these modalities into the Unconscious Mind to make these learnings a natural part of who they are. 

My Story

All self-made.  From working at Intel to working at various startup companies.  I stepped to the front of the line everytime.

Good things come to those who wait…they are called crumbs.  Yes, the early-bird gets the worm.

Being a self-starter with an entrepreneur mindset.  Unstoppable determination.

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